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What is emetophobia, and how can hypnotherapy help?

Updated: Nov 25, 2024

Emetophobia is an intense, often debilitating fear of vomiting, seeing others vomit, and the anticipation of such events, and it can often interfere with day-to-day life. It is something we see a lot of here at Urban Wellness, particularly in children and in those who are neurodivergent, especially autism, or may be struggling with ARFID (Avoidant/restrictive food intake disorder).

Woman with emetophobia hiding her face behind a book.

What causes emetophobia?

This can be different for each individual but common causes include:

  • Family history of someone with a specific phobia

  • Growing up with a parent or sibling who was unwell

  • A traumatic experience relating to vomiting, either themselves or witnessing someone else. This may also include a choking incident.

  • Constant nausea caused by other health issues such as poor gut health

Now no-one likes the act of being physically sick, but for those with emetophobia the fear can often be persistent (for more than six months) and is an extreme fear of anxiety which is disproportionate to the actual event or situation. This can then lead an individual to:

  • Stick to a limited or restricted diet for fear of trying new or unfamiliar foods

  • Avoids going out to eat

  • Won't eat food that is close to its use-by date

  • Foods rules such as not eating meat on the bone, or can only cook food they ahve prepared themselves

  • Obsessively cleaning

Despite its challenges, emetophobia is treatable, and hypnotherapy is a powerful tool for achieving relief from the anxiety it creates.

How can hypnotherapy help emetophobia?

Hypnotherapy is a therapeutic technique that uses a state of focused relaxation to access the subconscious mind (that part that is responsible for emotions and beliefs). For emetophobia, this means safely addressing the underlying triggers, which often stem from early traumatic or a stressful experience.


Uncovering the Root Cause:


Hypnotherapy helps individuals explore their fears in a controlled environment. By revisiting past experiences, often those tied to the phobia’s origin, the client is guided toward reprocessing and reframing those memories - essentially making them feel better, so that the idea of sickness feels manageable, whatever the situation.


Changing Thought Patterns and Priming the Mind:


Hypnotherapy uses personalised suggestions and guided visualisations tailored to you, helping your subconscious mind embrace healthier ways of thinking and guiding you toward your unique goals.

Each session is designed to help you break free from fear and anxiety by gently introducing powerful techniques that reframe your responses and build confidence, one step at a time.

You'll learn to feel more in control, even in situations that once felt overwhelming.


Why Choose Hypnotherapy?


Hypnotherapy’s appeal lies in its holistic and tailored approach. Unlike behavioural or exposure therapy, which may feel too intense, hypnotherapy meets clients where they are, addressing their unique fears gently and effectively. It’s not uncommon for clients to report significant improvements within just a few sessions, including increased freedom in their daily lives and reduced preoccupation with sickness.


If emetophobia is holding you back, hypnotherapy could provide the compassionate, effective support you need to regain control and find relief.


To find out more, book a call with Libby today to see how she can help you overcome emetophobia.

To book a free call with Libby today, simple email her at or drop us a line on our contact page.



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